Goldendoodle newborn by Goldendoodle World 

Goldendoodles look just like purebred Golden Retrievers when first born. They are simply adorable! Some have little ripples going through their coat within a matter of hours.

a fuzzy Goldendoodle by Goldendoodle World

Within just 8 weeks, the Goldendoodle puppy begins to get very fluffy! The Goldendoodle always has a full facial beard as an adult, but as a young puppy, you can only see a "hint" of the beard in the shape of an upside down "V"  between the eyes down  towards the nose.

dark apricot goldendoodle by Goldendoodle World

Goldendoodles come in all colors and can have a variety of markings.  Some have more "relaxed" curls about their coat. Some have none.  The Goldendoodle puppy will change in the way they look multiple  times before they turn one year of age. Some Goldendoodles  have a fuzzy face with loose curls and some have a flat coat between eyes down towards the nose with a more pronounced beard even as a puppy. Either way, the coat a Goldendoodle puppy has in the beginning is never the "END" result! Be sure to take many photos of your doodle dog! The changes are remarkable!

Tucker with his Goldendoodle World

Our Goldendoodles,  from Goldendoodle World,  always appear to be smiling! They are very family oriented dogs; They  love to be loved and they  love to GIVE love! The Goldendoodle dog has lovely wide, sparkly,  almond shaped eyes; Their personality always seem to be shining through those bright eyes! They have a  thick plume tail that rides high up over their  back and many have a  very long shaggy coat as an adult. Some will have a shorter coat than others and some may have shorter ears than others. Some doodles may have more loose curls about the coat, while others do not.  No matter how  your Goldendoodle may look, they are the most fantastic dogs to ever own and all Goldendoodles created properly will shed very little.  The Goldendoodle dog is considered a low allergen they work out very well for many who have mild allergies! Make sure that your Goldendoodle does NOT come from two Goldendoodles being bred together! Offpspring from this sort of pairing may not always provide you with a low shedding doodle.  This is because when two Goldendoodles are bred together, the DNA make up of each individual puppy will vary.  Those that have too much Golden Retriever DNA will shed the same as a purebred Golden Retriever. 

A lovely doodle from our Goldendoodle World

By the time your Goldendoodle turns six months of age, he or she will have a thicker coat yet some will go through more extreme changes than others as they progress to the age of one year.  Some Goldendoodles  who were originally very fluffy will lose their baby coat and this is  called "blowing the coat"; This is a term many breeders use to describe a coat change with their dog. The Goldendoodle "tween" will go through various changes as he or she goes from babyhood to "tween" years...meaning...not quite an adult and not quite a baby. As the Goldendoodle "blows its coat", you won't see too much hair because the hair disappears strand by strand. But you will notice that your doodle has a different coat appearance.  Unlike other dogs, the Goldendoodle sheds completely different than most other dogs. The Goldendoodle's coat is not as thick as it appears, rather they have alot of fine hairs. Goldendoodles with more Poodle DNA may have a thicker coat than a Goldendoodle who has equal DNA from its Poodle and Golden Retriever parents. Goldendoodles with more Golden Retriever DNA will have a much flatter coat and many with this genetic make-up have little shag or no shag to the coat as an adult and some don't even have a facial beard.  Many people love the facial beard and are disappointed if their doodles don't have one!

Goldendoodle by Goldendoodle World

The Goldendoodle dog loves human interaction and they are very family oriented dogs. Comical, playful, super sweet....Goldendoodles are "children approved"!! They really are "man's" best friend!

Goldendoodle by Goldendoodle World

The Goldendoodle is so cuddly and irresistable! It is hard NOT to love them! Their coat is very soft when a young puppy. Although the Goldendoodle dog will have a soft coat as an adult, the texture is a bit different than it is when they are very young. Kids love our Goldendoodles and its always fun for us to watch them interact with their Goldendoodle! We always try to take alot of photos of our Goldendoodles and we appreciate all of our doodle families who send their photos to us to share with others!

Our Goldendoodles love water

Our Goldendoodles, from Goldendoodle World,  enjoy swimming if taught as a young puppy. We recommend a "kiddie Pool" if you want to teach your puppy to enjoy playing in the water.  As young pups, we always see our Goldendoodle puppies splash about in their water bowls and drag them around!  It is impossible to keep water in their bowls because they are always tipping it out while playing! Goldendoodles who have a history of ancestors that are "Utility dogs", "Master Hunters" and such, like ours, always enjoy playing about in the water and once you teach them how to swim, it's difficult to get them OUT of the pool!

Ozzy, a Goldendoodle from our Goldendoodle World

Doggone it! Could a Goldendoodle just be any cuter??? I think not! Goldendoodles are comical to watch  and so terrific.   Just when you thought you couldn't laugh again because you may have lost your original "best friend",  a Goldendoodle will come along to  brighten any day regardless of how sad you may  feel! The Goldendoodle, when created the proper way (First generation only), is a very long lived, over all healthy hybrid! The Goldendoodle dog does not have any major issues that are known, to date. Some minor issues could be dry skin, food allergies or sensitivities to certain vaccinations. The Goldendoodle loves to stay close to their owner and the Goldendoodle is highly intelligent and quick to learn!

Whether you are a hybrid fan or a purebred fan, The Goldendoodle dog is here to stay. Some purebred dog fanciers wish the Goldendoodle dog  had never been "invented" but that's really too bad. The Goldendoodle actually serves a purpose to those who have allergies and are in need of an assistance dog! Whether those who only believe that the  purebred dog should be the only sort of dog to exist in this world, purebred dogs originally began as a mixture of multiple breeds.  Every single purebred dog in today's world, excluding the Maltese, began as a mixed breed dog.  Over many, many years, the purebred dog was refined, given a "purebred" name and status and then accepted into Kennel Clubs.  Had they not, we'd still be calling them mixed breed dogs, too!   A Goldendoodle is a  hybrid  cross between two purebred dogs of two  different breeds and that is a Poodle and a Golden Retriever. Some breeders are creating Goldendoodles by crossing a  Goldendoodle and a Poodle, which is fine so long as the Poodle in the Goldendoodle is not directly related to the other Poodle parent dog. Dogs who are too closely related  and then bred together defeat the entire purpose of owning a hybrid dog! Some breeders are mixing backbred Goldendoodles together and then claiming they are Miniature Goldendoodles (with true Miniature status)  because some of  the offspring may stay small, but this is complete nonsense.  Since I've already written an article about Miniature Goldendoodles and have already discussed the reasons why a Goldendoodle can not be classified into size categories, I won't discuss the "Miniature"  issue here in this article.   If you'd like to know more about the Goldendoodle dog, please visit our website at 

*Author: Dee Gerrish- Goldendoodle World copyright protected-2007